[AGRINEXO] > AGRINEXO Solutions > AGRINEXO AGM agri-environmental monitor for monday.com > Getting started > First-time use instructions

First-time use instructions

(1)   To add a new field: click the “New Field” button in the AGRINEXO View; write the field Id and name; locate the field in the map; draw the field outline; and then click the save button. The initial data collection of satellite imagery, climate and weather data for a field, takes between five to ten minutes to complete (reports are incomplete during the initial field setup).



(2)   To access field reports, click in the report icon button of the field.


(3)   In the vegetation report we can analyse the evolution of NDVI, mean temperature, precipitation, and reference evapotranspiration as well as the spatial distribution of NDVI along the field to detect growth anomalies before they become crop issues.


(4)   In the climate report we can analyse how the local climate changed over the last sixty years or how a specific year deviates from the climate normals. The bottom chart shows the anomalies for the analysed period, highlighting the specific characteristic of any occurring changes.


(5)   In the weather report we can analyze weather variables over the previous days and a forecast for the next ten days, including the crop basal evapotranspiration estimated using a crop basal coefficient derived from current NDVI. To optimize water use, irrigation frequency and duration should be scheduled to compensate the estimated crop basal evapotranspiration.


(6)   If the need for scouting or a for specific operation is detected while analysing field reports, just click the New Operation button and associate it to the current field using the Field Id.



(7)   The newly create operation can be scheduled and managed in the main view, where you have all field records. Ongoing operations are also included in the field summary of the AGRINEXO View.


(8) If the board was created using the AGRINEXO Solution template, the Farming Operations Main Table is organized as a hierarchical table (one group per field-crop-year combination) where the master records are an overview of the operation (such as soil preparation, planting, pulverization, irrigation and harvesting) and the detail records include the specific inputs (such as seeds, manure, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and water). Labour hours and machine hours can also be recorded in the detail records and additional columns can be added to the Main Table according to your specific requirements.


(9)  To edit the identification of a field and define (optional) complementary crop parameters, click in the edit icon button and make the intended modifications in the Edit Field form. In the Edit Field form you can also delete the field.




AGRINEXO AGM is in pre-release and only Explore Plan (free 30 days trial) is currently available.