Sustainable agriculture entails producing quality foods while improving the living standards of rural communities and protecting the environment. Agricultural commodity markets are global, but production is achieved locally under a wide range of edaphoclimatic constraints and social contexts.

The availability of relevant and accurate information increases the ability of individual farmers to make appropriate decisions. AGRINEXO Digital Solutions are being developed by ETAPA RACIONAL to contribute to improve the social and environmental sustainability of agricultural and forestry activities.

Even though there is an obvious global warming trend, climate is changing in a different way for each region, with varying impacts in agriculture. The growing global population demands higher levels of food production, putting additional pressure on the farming systems worldwide. A comprehensive understanding of local climate change is critical to enable for an effective adaptation of the agricultural production systems, mainly for those adversely impacted. 


Are you looking for something else?

Economic efficiency, environmental protection, process compliance and product quality are essential for most agricultural businesses. If your organization is looking for an integrated digital solution, let us know about your specific requirements.


AGRINEXO AGM is in pre-release and only Explore Plan (free 30 days trial) is currently available.